Today marks our precious Israel Jude’s one week birthday! We are overwhelmed by the goodness and blessing of our Lord. Our first week of being parents has been nothing sort of miraculous. We’ve drawn closer to each other, closer to our Lord, and are LOVING being a united family of THREE.
Here are pictures of Israel’s first week. He is simply the sweetest, most handsome, perfect little boy in the world! We are wealthy beyond words!!!
Just born! Israel Jude arrived on March 11, 2010 (his due date!!) weighing 8lbs 14oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. After a long and difficult labor which lasted about 16 or so hours from the time my water broke, the doctor knew that a c-section was our only option to deliver our little son. God gave us the grace to lay our plans at His feet. And we were delighted to welcome little Israel!!!!! His daddy was there for the operation and was/is the proudest Pappa in the world!!! Greg was AMAZING throughout the whole day of laboring and delivering our little “Izzy”. He supported me and loved me and comforted in ways that no girl deserves or could ever hope for! I love you, Greg Mandreger!
Can you see the GLOW in Greg’s eyes???? I love my husband SO MUCH!!! I love MY BOYS!!!
…Not exactly the most flattering picture of me [Sarah] ever taken. But TO ME, it is perfect – me and my two “dreams-comes-true”.
Momma and Israel Jude. You may have heard people say that motherhood is AMAZING and MIRACULOUS. Don’t believe them! It’s BETTER THAN THAT. Sometimes, I hold Israel or think of Israel and just cry. It’s THAT GOOD.
Israel LOVES his Nana and Pawpaw :) And they are SMITTEN with him! :)
Israel Jude and his Daddy. FYI: In my humble opinion, Greg is a WONDERFUL, PERFECT daddy!
Israel Jude and his Uncle Chris! They are gonna have LOTS and HEAPS of fun together in the years to come!
Israel with his beautiful and wonderful Aunt Catherine! Catherine was such an encouragement to me as I labored! I praise the Lord for the gift of my sister!
Uncle Chris was SO kind to give Daddy lessons in diapering and swaddling! :)
Uncle Steve and Aunt Susie came to meet their new nephew! :) They are smitten with him too :) :) :)
COUSINS!!!! Sierra, Kimmie, Nicole and Gabe, and Zak came for a visit to meet the newest member of the Mandreger family! Love you guys! :)
Daddy, Momma, Baby Israel, Cousin Josh, and sweet Rachel Shaw! :)
Isn’t he SWEET!!!!???? Greg and I love him more than we could ever begin to express!!! Such a gift……
Momma and Israel – getting ready to head home from the hospital!!! :) YAY!!!
“Blessed be the LORD God,
Who only doeth wondrous things.”
Psalm 72:18
And there are some pictures of our new family. We are blessed beyond measure and give all the glory to God alone. Thank you, Lord, for our child – an unspeakable gift. And thank you, Lord, for Your SON. THERE IS NONE LIKE UNTO OUR GOD!