And Here We Go Again!!! :)

Hi y’all!! Welcome to the first official post on our newly renamed, redesigned website!!

Thanks to our good friend, Josh (, Greg and I now have a site where together we can post for family, friends, the world – and for just the fun of it!

For those who were already visiting, you know that it has been entirely too long since I [Sarah] have posted an update! Very sad, I know :( And then here, I was feeling like in order to start posting again, I needed to play catch-up – and was entirely overwhelming – SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED!!! So, I finally decided to JUST POST and get this ball rolling! :) YAY!!!!!!!

I hope you all come to visit Greg and I here at our site often! We love company!

Blessings to ya!

Sarah (for the both of us) :)


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