79 days and counting DOWN! :) Yay!!!
Our wedding is scheduled for June 6th! And WOW, it is amazing to see the blessing of the Lord on every side as Greg and I plan for our wedding and lives together. We serve a GOOD GOD!
It is TRUE: The Lord God IS a sun and shield; He DOES give grace and glory! NO Good Thing does He withhold from them that walk uprightly! (see Ps. 84:11)
Keep looking to Jesus, dear children of God!
March 19th, 2009 at 4:58 pm
That is a sweet picture of an awesome couple! Can’t wait to see you again…Greg is not the only one who misses you up here!! :)
March 19th, 2009 at 6:04 pm
We are SOOOO excited for you both!! I’m sure your wedding will be both beautiful and glorifying to God…an event anyone would LOVE to attend!! :) I so well remember the days of counting down to our wedding (I think we started counting at 190 days, but it went quickly). It’s hard to believe that not only are the counting-down days over, but we’ve been married for 9 months and are now half-way to the birth of our first child!! God is SOOOOO good. :)
Where are you getting married? I saw two of your gift registries, and one said LA, and the other said Big Sandy. :) Are you planning on a big wedding, or just family and close friends?
We’ll be praying for you as you go thru these busy days of preparation…and the wedding day is only the beginning!!
Rachel and Daniel
March 20th, 2009 at 9:21 am
Counting down time is soo much fun! Engagement days are grrrrrreat!! Greg I’m thankful for the title of Mother-in-law again!