Ever find that you get so caught up in yourself and your weakness and your thoughts and your circumstances that you forget to just…well…praise God? You get to the end of the moment, the minute, the hour – and realize that time has passed and all you have done, frankly, is think and move?
My dear friends and readers far and wide – in case you need a reminder – God is good.
His righteousness is complete and finished. You don’t have to earn it or fake it. You can rest in all that He is. Your heart can be still in Him.
In His Spirit is Life and Peace. Take your mind of your flesh – after all, if it is SUPPOSED to be dead it does no good to sit there glaring at it. Just turn your eyes to Christ. Turn your back on your failures, dissatisfaction with your spiritual life, frustration with self-efforts at righteousness – Abandon it all and find…HIM.
Look at Christ, simply rest in Him, believe what He says and…There…You will find…EVERYTHING.
I am amazed at the goodness and mercy of God. How He holds us, keeps us, draws us. And in His love, never grows tired of us. And when He looks at me, He sees HIS SON.
Some thoughts just blow me away. BLOW ME AWAY. And those that do that are of Him – of all that He is, has done, and always will be.
Some thoughts are too big to process. TOO BIG. And those that are are of Him – of His never-ending mercy, of His love for me, of His patience.
Some thoughts cannot be captured or expressed adequately. THEY JUST CAN’T. But they are true.
“We can use the words we know to tell You what an Awesome God You are. But words are not enough to tell You of our love. So, listen to our hearts.â€
Friend, there is more than just existence in Christ. There is LIFE. ABUNDANT LIFE. And it is YOURS – glorious, full, free, all-consuming, all-satisfying LIFE.
This is CHRIST.
November 12th, 2007 at 7:21 pm
How special it is to know Christ, and then to have a friend that continually reminds me to look to Him. Thank you for your sweet words today, Sarah. You are such a precious, one-of-a-kind friend. I am praising Him for His faithfulness and goodness to me! I LOVE YOU!!!
November 16th, 2007 at 9:06 pm
Thanks for that reminder,Sarah! It is strangely easy to forget how awesome and incredible our God truly is!
Love ya!
November 17th, 2007 at 10:46 am
Melanie and Rachel – you are both such dears! I praise the Lord for the evidence in Christ in each of your lives!
Miss you two!
November 19th, 2007 at 1:32 pm
I love you Sarah! Thank you for reminding me to rest and keep looking to our Beloved Savior!
November 30th, 2007 at 5:02 pm
I just read this post for the first time, and, like the other girls, I appreciate you for being a friend that reminds us to look to HIM. This was a breath of fresh air.
Stop by sometime when you have a minute! I just posted some pictures that will make you smile. :-)
January 22nd, 2008 at 1:52 am
You are so wise young one! Thanks for the reminder…