I’m smitten… :)

…with the sweetest little gal in Texas :)





I am loving being an auntie!! And Savannie sure makes it easy to be swept off your feet!! :)

7 Responses

  1. Catherine Says:

    Oh my! I LOOOOOOOOOVE that auntie and that little baby!!!

  2. Perky Says:

    Oh my! And I LOOOOOOOOOOVE that Mommie too!!! :)

  3. Mellie-Malloo Says:

    oh me oh me oh me!!
    And I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE you all TOO!! I can’t wait to HEAR her laugh!!! *impatience*

  4. Josh Wychopen Says:

    Savannah is the sweetest thing! Grateful I get to see her now and again…she really makes me smile!

  5. Dawn Says:

    Ohhh thank you so much for the new pics. She is soooo precious.

  6. Jana Says:

    Awww, what a cutie! Being an aunt is so much fun. :-)

  7. AM Says:

    Awwww :)