Welp!! (isn’t THAT a creative way to start out a post :-P ) Let me try that again…. **clears throat**
**GRATEFUL SIGH** (ah, that’s better; now I continue…)
Last week was absolutely amazing! (ok – so maybe it was technically week before last – I am posting late :P) I won’t be able to sum up here what a truly sweet time it was; sooooo I’ll just give a glimpse! The Lord blessed me with a WHOLE NINE DAYS of true vacation. Here’s my definition of the word “BLESSED”: “a thoughtful gift straight from the heart of God to a grateful me.”
Basically, I had 9 days of nothing truly “scheduled” to just BE, to love my family, to relax, to BE some more…it was amazing. **happy sigh**
The sweetest surprise that the Lord gave me for this trip was the company of my dear friend Erin!!!! Her coming along with us was QUITE unexpected and QUITE spontaneous. Thanks, Dad, for the GREAT idea! Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Wy for sharing!!!!!
For the first couple of days, I’d just look over at Erin, or think of Erin, and it was like “Wow! I cannot believe she is actually HERE…with ME…in MY world!” Ah, God is good!
We had such a sweet together of doing NOTHING:
In Texas, we visited, roamed through Mineola, ate out, watched a movie at Cat and Chris’s, visited more, baked cookies…
Then at my house in Louisiana, we visited MORE, shopped, roamed aimlessly through our mall, sat on a quilt by a river bank eating Sonic, slept in, stayed up late, ate out, played “10,000”, visited with family, walked through the woods, laid in a hammock in my back yard, went to a family get-together…
In Mississippi, we did a lot more nothing, but added swimming and sleeping in a pop-up to the list…Cozy in a pop-up, painting nails, and watching episodes of the Cosby Show – that’s what I call doing nothing :)
The Lord knew that we both needed this time for our bodies, souls, and spirits to be refreshed…and He gave it so generously.
Erin and I had such excellent visits – we pretty much solved all of the world’s problems – twice – plus the problems of each other, and when we ran out of all that, we invented issues :)
We talked about life, and our desires for more of Christ, about frustrations with self – It was basically just sweet to find a sister, a safe-place: To have the freedom to talk it out (from “I can’t believe I’m telling you this” to “sigh” to “venting” to “saying nothing at all” to . . . just talking about Christ. It was precious, and I am so grateful!!!
I love you, Erin! So very very much . . .
Erin posted an album with lots of pics from our trip! You can view them at http://picasaweb.google.com/ewychopen
Love y’all!!!
June 8th, 2008 at 10:09 pm
Lovely post Sarah. You made all the memories some back and they were wonderful to relive!!! I had such an amazing and sweet time with you and I will treasure it ALWAYS!!!!!!! I love you Sister, so very much. Thank you. Thank you for so many things but most of all thank you for being such a PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL Sarah Elizabeth Perkins!!!! Love you!!! ::HUG::
June 9th, 2008 at 7:19 pm
Oh, it’s so good to find your blog and read a little of your writings… Been thinking of y’all recently…