A list of TO-DO’s

First things first: I AM HOME HOME!!!!! and SO happy to be here! I was in need of a vacation…I needed a “home-fix” :) And here I am!

And now for a list of 10 THINGS that must be done while I am in Louisiana:

1) Hug my Mom

2) Sit with my dad in the SAME recliner

3) Walk through my yard in my bare feet

4) Eat a home-cooked cajun meal

5) Sit on our porch and read

6) Enjoy a sunset over the field across the street

7) Get a hair-cut at Kristy’s

8 ) Explore the new section of River Ranch

9) Sleep in

10) Take a deep breath and BE. :)

Yup! Sounds like a good list to me! :)

3 Responses

  1. Mellie-Malloo Says:

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! See you tomorrow!!! Right after number 7, actually. And, I think you need to add one or two in there. How about….
    7.5) Go for Ice Cream with Mel
    7.75) Remind Mel what it’s like to sit on your roof, even for a minute.

  2. Sarah Says:

    Oh, but then, we’d HAVE to add:

    7.89) Say GOODBYE to Mel so that you can say HELLO to her again on MONDAY in Houston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **happiness**

  3. Sarah Says:

    AND…. I get to hug Ames and Bethie too! **gladness** I am looking forward to some sweet girl time :)