Alrighty, Friends! At long last, I am FINALLY ready to post pics from our family reunion crawfish boil. Twas SO GOOD being with family!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I managed to get away without getting pictures of everybody – very sad. :-( BUT here are a few :-)
…my cousin [and treasured little buddy] Matthew
….My beautiful, wonderful, and precious MOM
…Me and my counterpart (Little Sarah)
…..My Uncle Billy, the crawfish farmer
…..Austin – Ready for dinner!
…..My DAD!!!!!!!!! I love that guy!
…..Chris – My FAVORITE brother-in-law EVER!!!!!!!!!!
…My aunt Halina and Me! Oh and a crawfish!
…John and John – my cousins :-)
…..Little Sarah….A well-trained South Louisianian
…Little Olivia – A real CUTIE!!!!!!
…Olivia’s Mom! My dear cousin Terrie :)
…My Grandmother Perkins and Catherine! And “Little O” too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
….Uh…Dinner. :-D
Alright! Thar ya go! I love being a Louisiana Gal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laters!
June 15th, 2007 at 10:42 pm
Awwww!! Such great people!!! Thanks for the great post, Perky!! Though, I can’t say it looks especially appetizing at the moment. :-P
June 17th, 2007 at 7:44 pm
And let me know crawfish DOES sound appetizing. I can set you up reeeeeal nice! ;)
Love ya, Malloo! Really. I DO! :-)
June 25th, 2007 at 11:46 am
I sure don’t like to eat them but we used to catch them by the bucket full during the summer while snorkeling in the river in Roseburg, Oregon. Twas fun.