“Mother” and “Coffee” go together so nicely

SO… my parents are here in Big Sandy. WHoo hOO!!! Tis MARVELOUS and WONDERFUL! And just so everyone knows…There is no coffee in the world like my mother’s.

Question: Is it the coffee that’s so good? Or the fact that my mother made it?

Really – I think its the coffee. Or…well…a little bit of both :) :)

Here’s pic of us gals!!! I love family :)


6 Responses

  1. Robyn Copper Says:

    Sarah, I know you know this already, but you are super lucky to have your mom and sister to do things with. It’s a needed aspect in a young womans life I believe. I love reading about what you are up too.

  2. Mellie-Malloo Says:

    Such beautiful, Godly ladies in that picture!

    Love you all!!

  3. Perky Says:

    Oh, Robyn! I know that I am wealthy! God is SOO good. Catherine and I are both here in Big Sandy [with ALERT]. When Mom can come visit, it is just GLORIOUS!

    I am so GLAD that you visit my site! Your family is SO precious! I’ve SO enjoyed your xanga!

  4. eperkins Says:

    Hi Sarah,
    You’re the bestest!
    Love Mom

  5. Perky Says:

    Oh NO, Mom!!!!!! YOU are the bestest-EST!

    I love you more than words! Has been SO busy here the last couple of evenings. Mon and Tues nights I was out til like 10pm. Looking forward to visiting!

    LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Mellie-Malloo Says:

    ATTENTION!!: This is your friendly overdue post reminder, kindly reminding you that your next post is dreadfully overdue. Please take the necessary measures to resolve this issue. Thank you for your cooperation. :D