He Keeps Me Singing…

“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to you when you have forgotten how it goes.”

Melanie: God is not looking for extraordinary people – He’s looking for ordinary people who will trust an extraordinary God…

Sarah: Thanks, Mellie-Malloo…For singing the song…My notes are a little flat tonight. So I am grateful.

Melanie: It doesn’t say, “make a choral melody” It says…”make a joyful noise.” To God…even our croaks are a rainbow of harmonies. Especially if they are weak hearts endeavoring to know God’s strength…

When we are weak…HE is STRONG…His mercies being NEW every morning… is what makes tomorrow different. Even when we do face our same failures…His faithfulness is greater than that.

Take Heart, Fair Maiden!!! Thy Heavenly Prince eternally knoweth thy every prayer…and will fulfill HIS perfect plan…in HIS perfect way…creating HIS perfection IN YOU…in HIS perfect time!

Sarah: Lord…I thank You for a friend that sings…And I thank You for my weaknesses…That they keep me coming back to You… :)




2 Responses

  1. Mellie-Malloo Says:

    There is a certain someone who sings to me a LOT…I’m VERY grateful to the Lord for her too. :) Love ya!

  2. Your Sis Says:

    Oh man I think those other two girls in that picture are SO FABULOSO! (the ice cream looks pretty good too!)