Nov 10

I love my mom and dad! I miss them too.

Dad said something like this as he was encouraging me the other night (it had been a tough and teary one for me)…

“This life is more wonderful and simpler than they told us.”

What a treasure to have a dad who could say something like that – and LIVE it too.

Love you, Daddy. Love you, Momma. HUG

Oct 14

“Every friend you have today was once a stranger who crossed your path.”




Howdy, Strangers!!!! :-)

Aug 1

Dear Dears, [AKA: Malloo, Bethie, Lizzy, and Ames]

I miss y’all. I miss the giggles, energy, craziness, ideas that NEVER happen, ideas that DO happen, staying up late, hair-dyeing, heart-to-hearts, movies, laying there awake solving the problems of the world, laying there awake ignoring the problems of the world, talking about Jesus, crying out for Jesus, media snacking in a group, im’ing a friend who’s just across the room (just to say hello and that you are glad you can SEE HER), telling Grandpa good morning, singing just because, throwing paper airplanes in a Sonic parking lot or a front yard, walking in the park, dreaming BIG, dreaming SMALL, not dreaming AT ALL but just BEING………..

Frankly, I miss Y’ALL.

Here’s an e-hug x 4. One for Bethie. One for Lizzy. One for Amy. And one for Mellie-Malloo.

May all your days be sunny on the inside. Love you.

Jul 25


You know….I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we spend the first 9 months of our lives in a continuous hug :-) Makes us SO SWEET upon our arrival in this world.

Savannah is so precious…watching her sleep so peacefully…its just amazing…And she is so available to cuddle with. I am loving auntie-hood :-)

Jun 26

Well, my dear Malloo dropped a STRONG OBVIOUS “hint” that I needed to post! SO – Here I am!

Tonight finds me at my darling sister’s house. Here I sit with my laptop (formally known as “Daisy the Dell”), a humongous cup of coffee (yes, its decaf), a bag of Chips Ahoy cookies, a movie, and my dear sister (and soon-to-join-us “Little O” – my niece).

Chris isn’t here – yet. He went on a flood relief deployment with ALERT, but returns tonight! YAY!


Yes…Life is GOOD! My Lord is faithful beyond words. It is unfathomable how complete His love and mercy is. Reminds me of a conversation I had with a dear friend once…It went like this….

“Can you imagine how much God loves us? I can’t, but I think it would be fun to try. I bet I would be so blown away at just trying that I’d fall asleep exhausted and wake up delighted.”

And it never stops…every morning, every night, all day through, and even while I sleep. What an AWESOME God we serve!

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